Set a User as a Tenant Admin

Tenant Admins can elevate a standard user's permissions to admin after the initial invitation and registration process is complete. Tenant Admins have the broadest set of permissions to control Tenant (Platform) Settings, User Permissions, etc. Unlike Tenant Admins, standard users do not have access to certain features on the Fullcast platform. For instance, standard users cannot access platform settings or adjust other users’ permissions. For more information, refer to the Role Permissions article. 

Figure 1.

Figure 1 illustrates the process of enabling or disabling a user as a tenant admin. 

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch to the appropriate plan.

  2. Click on the Settings icon (gear) in the navigation bar. 

  3. Click the Users tab. 

  4. Locate the appropriate user, click the More Options icon (three vertical dots), and select Edit from the dropdown menu. 

  5. On the User Management tab, click to enable or disable the Tenant Admin option as appropriate.

  6. Click Save. 

Figure 2.

Figure 2 Highlights the Tenant Admin Radio Button

The corresponding user now has tenant admin permissions as configured. To review or update the permissions, refer to the Roles Permissions article.