Disruption Reports

Disruption Report in Fullcast is a powerful tool designed to measure the impact of changes made to your sales territories, assignments, or account ownership. The primary purpose of this report is to compare the current and proposed states of these elements.

Key Use Cases

  • Territory Realignment Impact:
  • Understand how shifting accounts between territories affects performance metrics such as ARR and customer retention.
  • Ownership Transition Impact:
  • Analyze how reassigning account ownership among sales representatives influences sales coverage and continuity.

How It Works

The Disruption Report compares two states:

  1. Current State: Reflects the existing assignments or territory structure.
  2. Proposed State: Shows the changes to be implemented (e.g., accounts moving between territories, new ownership).
For each state, you must specify a role and time period. This is how you define the timeframes for each. In this case "Current" and "Proposed" aren't related to the commit status in Fullcast but to the timeframe you specify when configuring the chart.

Example: AE Disruption FY24 to FY25

This disruption report shows Current Accounts, Proposed Accounts, and the Difference by AE.

For the above example, the configuration is as follows:

Current Column

  1. Select Assignments, then Employee Name
  2. When you drag Employee Name into Current Column, you will be prompted with the Assignment Settings below. Here you select a User Role and Start Date and End Dates.
For both the Current and Proposed column, once you pull your Assignments field into the configuration, you get prompted to specify the Role and Dates.

Proposed Column

  1. Repeat the steps above, selecting a different range of dates. This serves as your comparison. In this example we put FY24 dates in Current and FY25 dates in Proposed.


  1. Select any metric and drag it to the Metrics box. In this example, we selected Territory and then Number of Accounts.

Note that when you create the disruption report, you specify the date and roles once you pull in the fields for each column.
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