Viewing Coverage and Capacity

In Fullcast, coverage refers to users placed in a role in a team or territory. Capacity refers to the total number of users according to whether they are active or inactive, and what their Role type is. 

Coverage and Capacity in Territories and Teams

In order to view coverage and capacity, you must have placed a user in a role on a territory or team. 

In the Coverage (Assignments) Tab

The coverage tab gives you a view of users who are actively holding a role in a specific territory. 

In the GIF below, we are clicking through the territory levels in a single territory plan. You can notice that the lower you go down into a territory, you can see more cards. This is because your upper-level roles, such as CRO, VP, and Manager, appear at lower-level territories as well. 

Figure 1. Viewing Coverage throughout the levels of a Territory Plan

Viewing Coverage

  • Cards display the person’s name, the role they hold, their start and end dates in that role, as well as labels of active, future, inherited, etc.  

    • Active: the person is currently assigned to a given role.

    • Future: the person will be assigned to that role on a set date.

    • Inherited: the person has been assigned to a role at a higher-level territory.

  • Filters allow you to view only specific types of coverages: status, type, role, active/future, ramping, and inherited. 

  • The Dates menu allows you to view coverages from any period of time, past or future when coverage exists.

In the Capacity Tab

The capacity tab gives you a summary of all the coverage in the current plan. It gives a global view of your resources, regardless of whether or where they are holding a role. Because capacity factors in productivity profiles, you can see the effective capacity of your resources. 

In the GIF below, we are toggling the filters and dates to demonstrate the different ways you can view capacity. 

Figure 2. Viewing Capacity by filtering by status and role and changing dates.

Viewing Capacity

  • Cards display:  

    • Role Name and Role Description.

    • Net Ramped Resources for that Role - this is essentially “effective capacity”. 

    • Productivity Profiles The number of different productivity profiles that exist for that role.

    • TBH, TBT, TBR: the number of each of these types of “to-be” Coverage types that exists in the time period you are viewing. 

  • Filters allow you to view only specific types of coverages: filter by status or type; sort by role name, start date, end date, type.  

    • Status: Active, Inactive, Future.

    • Type: Non-Commission, Commission, Support.

  • The Dates menu allows you to view coverages from any period of time, past or future, when coverage exists.