Figure 1. Roles
After you create a territory, the next step is to assign people to the territories. In Fullcast, this requires you to configure roles and then assignments. Fullcast allows you to create, manage, and assign various types of roles in your go-to-market plans.
To learn more about creating a territory, refer to the Create and Manage Territories article.
Figure 2. Roles Card
Filters: Filter by fiscal year, status, and type.
Action: Edit, Retire, and Audit Logs
Role: Role and title name.
Status and Type:
Inactive: The role has not yet been activated.
Active: The role is active.
Retired: The role has been deprecated.
Profiles: The number of Ramp profiles.
The number of roles in TBH, TBT, and TBR status.
Productivity Profile
To learn more about creating assignments, refer to the Creating TBx (TBH, TBT, TBR) Assignments and Creating Normal and Temporary Assignments articles.
To create a role:
Access your Fullcast instance and switch to the appropriate plan.
Click Manage Roles on the Roles tile.
Click the Actions button and select Add Role.
Name the role and give it a description. This will be the description and name on the role card.
Enter a start date for the role, and, if applicable, an end date.
Indicate the date when the role commenced within your company. If the role isn’t newly introduced to your organization, it is advisable to retroactively set the start date, ideally a year or more ago. This step is crucial, especially if you are utilizing targets as these dates can affect them.
Select the appropriate type from the Type dropdown menu: Non-Commission, Commission, Support.
If the role is commissioned, select Commission. Selecting Non-Commission is for roles involved in the sales process but not paid a commission. Support is for roles that are non-commissioned and provide a support service.
Select the type of commission from the dropdown menu: Split or Overlay.
Check the box if you want to enable this role for exporting the assignments under this role when the export account team job is running.
Identify the permission levels for each business action.
Click the Ramp Profiles tab to add a ramp profile.
Click the Productivity Profile tab to add a productivity profile.
Applying a productivity profile allows you to factor in ramp time to the role. You can edit the month-by-month breakdown of the ramp schedule.
Click Cofirm.
Edit a Role
Figure 3. Role Settings
Access your Fullcast instance and switch to the appropriate plan.
Click Manage Roles on the Roles tile.
Locate the applicable role, click the three-dot menu, then select Edit from the dropdown menu.
Update the role as necessary and click Save.
Retire a Role
Access your Fullcast instance and switch to the appropriate plan.
Click Manage Roles on the Roles tile.
Locate the applicable role, click the three-dot menu, and select Retire.
Download a spreadsheet of the data displayed in the Roles Designer page.
From the Roles page, click the download icon.
Identify the location to store this file if applicable.
Audit Logs
Logs - show changes that have been made, such as creating and deleting roles.
From the Roles page, click the Audit icon (refresh button).
On the Logs tab, click the appropriate time frame for the audit: 6 hours, 24 hours, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month, or Custom.
The logs will appear if available.

Figure 4. Event Subscriptions
Event Subscriptions - allow you to set up emails to inform you of when things have changed in Roles
Additional Resources
After you have created Roles for a Plan, the next step is to create Coverage Assignments.
📋For an overview of Assigning Coverage, refer to the Introduction to Coverage article
📋 For how-to documentation, refer to the Creating Normal or Temporary Assignments article.