The Fullcast standard package includes five default entities, each pre-populated with certain mandatory fields necessary for maintaining the integration. You can further customize your entities and fields in this step.
If you assign permission sets from the managed package to the user, additional permissions will need to be expanded for any additional fields added.
Create Entities - This is the process of adding Salesforce Objects in Fullcast. Refer to the article Creating a New Entity in Fullcast.
Create Import Filters to specify which records will/won’t be imported into Fullcast.
Creating Import Filters on the Account Entity (Object)
Configure Fields on Entities, including determining which fields to use for territory segmentation and configuring data quality thresholds on fields. Refer to the article Creating and editing field/custom field values in the Entity
Entity Relationship Fields: Specify the fields that link one entity to another. For example, in the screenshot below, we are looking at the Opportunities entity. We can see that it relates to the People entity via the Ownerid field and it relates to the Accounts entity via the AccountId field.

Configuration for Entity Relationship Fields