SmartPlan Minimum Disruption Criteria

By implementing the "Minimize Disruption" rule for Smart Plans, you can ensure that when assigning new records to sales representatives, you minimize any disturbances to existing records for those individuals. This rule determines which records belong to specific territories based on the people assigned to those territories and the relevant criteria in the fields. In doing so, existing records will be kept even when rerunning rules on existing territories. However, if there are changes in user assignments or new hires for territories, records will be shuffled based on the new user roles and types, as well as the field criteria.

This means that existing assignments remain undisturbed, keeping records stable without any shuffling even after rerun rules. For instance, let's consider a scenario with approximately 12,000 records in the Texas territory, all owned by a single owner ID. If the sales manager decides to divide Texas into three territories based on the owner ID, all 12,000 records will be moved to "territory_1" where an assignment is created for that specific person. As a result, the other territories will remain empty since all the records belong to the same owner.

Add New Smart Plan

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable.

  2. Click Manage Accounts on the Territories tile. 

  3. In the left navigation panel, drill down to the appropriate territory. 

  4. Click the More Options icon (three horizontal dots) and select Add Hierarchy from the dropdown menu. 

    Figure 1. Add Hierarchy Callout

  5. Click Smart Plan. 

    Figure 2. Smart Plan Callout

  6. Complete the necessary information in the Basic Config section based on the information described in the table below.

    Figure 3. Basic Configuration



    Number of territories to build

    A required, user-defined field that identifies the number of territories to build for this Smart Plan.

    Maximum no of accounts per territory

    An optional field for users to define the maximum number of accounts allowed in this territory.

  7. Click Add Criteria in the Prioritized Balancing Criteria section. 

    Figure 4. Adding Balancing Criteria

  8. Select the Minimize Disruption option from the dropdown menu. 

  9. In the Minimize Disruption section, choose the applicable role and assignment type. 

    Figure 5. Minimize Disruption Criteria


    For more information on adding criteria and creating roles, refer to the Smart Plan Overview and Viewing and Managing Roles articles respectively. 

  10. Select the appropriate option from the Current Relationship dropdown menu. This is where the CRM is holding the current assignment information. 


    Optionally, filter the accounts by clicking the create criteria option and adding your additional criteria. You can use a single condition or a group of conditions with an 'AND' or 'OR' operator.

    Figure 6. Adding Filter Builder Criteria

  11. Click OK.

  12. Identify how you want unassigned accounts managed: “Leave them in unassigned” or “Distribute them among territories.”

  13. Identify how you want named accounts and named exceptions to be treated.

  14. Select how you would like subsidiaries to be treated.

  15. Consider whether to include or exclude child accounts in Smart Plan balancing. 

  16. Complete configuring your Assignments based on the information in the Assignments section. 

  17. Click Save Changes.  

Your Smart Plan is now ready for use.


Figure 7. Assignments Configuration

When configuring a Smart Plan, you can now create and add assignments. To do this: 

  1. Scroll down to the Assignments section and click on the blank field to assign people to the newly created territories. 


    This is optional. 

  2. Select the user role from the dropdown menu. This must be the same role you selected when configuring the Minimize disruption by aligning the Assignments option on step 9 of the Add a New Smart Plan procedure. 


    • When building a smart plan and adding assignments, selecting a role different from the previously chosen one will prevent saving. This is because the assignment aligns accounts based on a specific field listed on the account record, matching it with the person receiving the assignment. If assignments are omitted, these particular criteria are disregarded during territory construction, resulting in all accounts being left unassigned due to the absence of criteria for matching account records with person records.

    • The Productivity Profile is automatically populated after role selection. 

  1. Define the start and end date of the assignment.

  2. Click Save.