Fullcast and Salesforce Integration FAQs

General Questions

What information can Fullcast access from Salesforce?

Fullcast can access any field from standard Salesforce objects like Accounts, Users, and Opportunities. You can also include custom fields and objects.

What Salesforce editions are compatible with Fullcast?

Fullcast is compatible with Enterprise and Unlimited Salesforce editions.

How often does Fullcast update data from Salesforce?

Data is typically updated once every 24 hours, but this can be adjusted to fit your needs.

Can I control how much data Fullcast processes at once?

Yes, you can set the batch size to manage data processing efficiently.

Integration Details

What kind of Salesforce data does Fullcast use?

Fullcast primarily uses the Salesforce Bulk API to import and export data. For other functions, it uses the REST API.

How does Fullcast handle errors?

Fullcast records errors in a custom Salesforce object for easy tracking and analysis. You can configure how long these error logs are kept.

Can I turn off parts of the Fullcast integration?

Yes, you can control access to the integration using standard Salesforce Connected App and OAuth settings.

Customizations and Limitations

Can I build a custom integration with Fullcast?

While Fullcast offers standard integration features, building a custom integration might be necessary for specific requirements.

Are there limits to what fields I can import into Fullcast?

No, you can import any field from Salesforce into Fullcast.

What happens if I add new custom objects to Salesforce?

Fullcast will require permission to access these new custom objects. The specific permissions needed will depend on the data you want to use.

Does Fullcast require specific user permissions or licenses?

No, but we recommend using a separate integration user for security purposes.