Ending and Editing Coverage Assignments

This video outlines best practices for ending and editing coverage assignments in plans that are currently exporting to Salesforce.

Avoid Editing Existing Active Assignments

For plans exporting to Salesforce, avoid directly editing the user assigned to an existing active coverage assignment. This is because these assignments have already been exported to the Account Team object in Salesforce and modifying them can cause inconsistencies.

Ending Existing Assignments

To update an assignment for an AE who is no longer responsible for a territory:

  1. Edit the end date of the existing assignment to reflect the date when the AE's responsibility ended.
  2. Add a new assignment for the new AE with the appropriate start and end dates

Managing Assignments for Plans Not Exporting to Salesforce or Future Dated Assignments

For plans not yet exporting to Salesforce, or for future assignments within an exporting plan, you can edit the assignment directly, including changing the assigned user, assignment type, ramp profile, or start and end dates.

Important Note Always prioritize ending existing assignments and adding new ones instead of directly editing user assignments within plans exporting to Salesforce. This ensures data integrity and avoids potential issues with Salesforce account teams.

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