Change an Employee Role

This article guides you through changing an employee’s role within Fullcast. If an employee’s role changes within the same territory, then you should change that employee’s role in Fullcast. This maintains the employee’s assignments to the territory but updates their role. 

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable. 
  2. Click Manage Coverage on the Territories tile. 
  3. Locate the employee you want to update, click the More Options icon (three vertical dots), and select Change Role.
  4. Select an end date for the assignment the employee currently holds. 
  5. Add the new role, type, and start and end dates, then click Next. 
  6. Indicate what action you want to take for any assignments the employee manages. 
  7. Click Next. 
  8. Identify if you want to move the user to a new team and click Next. 
  9. If the employee has any targets, you will be prompted to choose an action. 

Option Description
Do Nothing No action will be taken on the targets. 
Reassign target to the permanent user The target will be reassigned to the replacement user and you will be able to indicate when coverage should switch if applicable. 
Delete Target The target will be removed. 

  1. Click Confirm. 

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