This article provides an overview and tips on using Fullcast's filter builder. Fullcast allows users to create criteria-based filter builders in several areas of the app. This includes filtering imported records at the plan level, adding filters to Bucket and SmartPlan rules, and filtering accounts in the account data grid view.
Functionality Overview
A few basic points about how filters work:
And / Or Statement: When you click on the orange AND button, you can toggle between the AND / OR statement
Add a Condition or Group of Conditions: When you click the + (plus sign) button, you can toggle between adding a single condition or group of conditions. This makes the And/Or button appear on a new, indented line
Field: When you click on the grey button, you can select a field
Operator: When you click on the green button, you can select an operator
Value(s): For most of the operators, you will need to type in values. You can enter values in the blue button. For IN (includes), you can type a few letters and value options will appear.
Remove: When you click on the X, you can remove a condition
To get started, you'll need to think through whether to start with AND or OR and whether to start with a Condition or Group of conditions.
GIF showing the user interaction experience for filter builder.
Basic "OR" Filter
If you have multiple criteria, where any of the statements can be true, you start by adding an OR statement and then Add Condition for each subsequent criterion.
For example, if we're defining Enterprise as
Number of Employees GREATER THAN 10,000
Condition: Annual Revenue GREATER THAN 1,000,000,000,000
Condition: Bookings Potential GREATER THAN 1,000,000
Basic "AND" Filter
If you have multiple criteria, where all of the statements must be true, you start by adding an AND and then Add Condition for each subsequent criterion.
For example, if we're defining Enterprise as
BASE RULE: Number of Employees GREATER THAN 10,000
Condition: Annual Revenue GREATER THAN 1,000,000,000,000
Condition: Bookings Potential GREATER THAN 1,000,000
Hybrid Filter
Most commonly, we see Hybrid filters, where we want to create multiple OR conditions, where each OR has a Group of criteria.
One example would be defining Enterprise as
BASE RULE: Number of Employees GREATER THAN 10,000
Number of Employees BETWEEN 5,000 and 10,000 AND Bookings Potential GREATER THAN 1,000,000
Tips and Best Practices
There is a lot of complexity here, but we encourage you to try to find the simplest version of your criteria so that it is easier to understand how the filter is being applied and so that you can check your work later.
Selecting AND or OR
For every multi-filter group, add a group at the highest level as AND so that each AND filter stays together.
If you are creating multiple groups within a bucket, set the first criterion to something that is always false. Then, set the first operator as OR. Doing this ensures that all Accounts fall past the initial OR and the remaining logic levels are easier to organize.(See Example 2 below.)
BETWEEN is inclusive of the two numbers you input
IN (meaning includes) allows you to hit return (or enter) and input multiple items
For CONTAINS or STARTS WITH, commas between multiple text strings don’t work. Please create a new group for each option.
Sequence of Conditions / Groups
If you will be using more than one range of values on the same field, in a single bucket, put the largest range number first. See our example above where we had criteria in Enterprise for both 10,000 and 20,000 employee thresholds
The simplest way to test your filter criteria is to go to the data grid and test them one by one. Be sure that you select the hierarchy level where you will be applying the filter.
This set of examples models a way you could break up segments according to the size of the company and related criteria.
Example 1: A single condition OR a group of two conditions
There are two options of criteria that can qualify an account to be in the Enterprise segment.
Number of Employees greater than 20,000
Number of Employees greater than 10,000 AND Industry does not equal Healthcare

Screenshot of conditions in Example 1
Note: In the example above, we put the larger employee count (20,000) threshold first, because the system evaluates buckets in order. If we had put Number of Employees greater than 10,000 first, then there would’ve been none of the accounts between 10,000 and 20,000 left to be allocated.
Example 2: A group of three conditions OR a group of two conditions
There are two options of criteria that can qualify an account to be in the Mid Market segment.
Number of employees greater than 15,000 AND Annual Revenue is greater than 10,000,000 AND Customer Fit Score between 5 and 8
Number of employees between 1,000 and 15,000 AND Customer Fit Score is greater than 8.

Screenshot of conditions in Example 2
Note: In the example above, the very first line in Mid Market is set to be something that can never be true (Number of employees equals to 1.2). We did this because both of our criteria groups have multiple conditions. We have to put the initial criteria as something that is always false, so that our two groups of criteria align properly with the OR
Example 3: A group of two conditions
There is one group of conditions that qualify an account as an SMB account.
Number of Employees less than 1,000 AND Parent Name is blank.

Screenshot of conditions in Example 3
Example 4: A dummy condition for a manually created territory
This is not a demonstration of using the filter builder per se, however it is a common use case that we see when carving territories. Here, we are using a condition that will always be false to essentially create an empty bucket. We can then manually move accounts to this bucket.
The use case for this method is when you have a territory that needs to be in the same level as certain segments, but it will contain only named accounts. In our example, we have created a bucket and labeled it Strategic and we give it one criteria that is always false. After we create this bucket, we can manually move accounts and mark them as Named Accounts.

Screenshot of Example 4
Note: We do not recommend using this method to create all your territories. This should be limited to a subset of territories that consist of named accounts.
Example 5: Two groups of conditions OR one single condition
There are three options that can qualify an account to be in the Enterprise segment in this example.
Number of employees greater than 10,000 AND Bookings potential is greater than 10,000,000
Bookings potential is greater than 1,000,000 AND Annual Revenue is greater than 1,000,000,000
Bookings potential is greater than 2,000,000
Screenshot of conditions in Example 5