Please follow the below steps to clear browser cache for Fullcast:
For Chrome users:
Open Chrome Browser window and right Click
Click on Inspect, and then Click on Application
Clear or Delete cache in each of the items
Local Storage
Session storage
Click Storage and choose Clear site data. Also, check including third-party cookies
Restart the browser not just the tab
For Microsoft Edge users:
Open Edge Browser window and right Click
Click on Inspect, and then Click on Application
Clear or Delete cache in each of the items
Local Storage
Session storage
Click Storage and choose Clear site data. Also, check including third-party cookies
Restart the browser, not just the tabs
For Safari users:
Click on the Safari drop-down menu and select Preferences.
Click the Advanced tab. Select the Show Develop menu in the menu bar checkbox and close the Preferences window.
Select the Develop drop-down menu. Click Empty Cache
You may want to also clear your browser history. Select the History drop-down, then Clear history
Restart the browser, not just the tabs