Fullcast 102

Welcome back! In the Fullcast 101 course, we started exploring the Fullcast platform. In this course, Fullcast 102, we're going to focus on building your go-to-market in Fullcast.  You should be able to complete this course in about 20 minutes.

Video: Introduction to Building Your Go-to-Market in Fullcast (2 Min. Video)

Note: We're in the process of transitioning to a new UI and will refresh this video soon! In the meantime, if there is any confusion, refer to these notes for a rundown of the primary differences in current and previous UI.

Before we dive in, here's a fun fact:

We polled a sales community group on LinkedIn. Of over 1000 members who responded, we found: 65% of Sales Leaders believe that having a "bad territory" is a legitimate reason for a rep to miss their quota.

What does this mean for you as a RevOps or Strategy leader?

Whether you call it building books, carving territories, or something else, the process of segmenting your market and aligning your resources is critical to business success. You have a huge opportunity to help the business meet its goals. Fortunately you’re in good hands with Fullcast. We’re going to get you up to speed quick so you can get to the fun part of building a strategic go-to-market.  

In this course we’ll do a deeper dive into a couple navigation and menu items before deep diving into the initial mechanics of segmenting your accounts.

Course Outline




The Go-to-Market Segmentation Panel

Viewing and navigating your go-to-market hierarchy in the Segmentation Panel

1 minute

Building Your Go-to-Market: Add Node vs Add Hierarchy

Creating your hierarchy, determining whether to choose Add Node or Add Hierarchy

3 minutes

The Four Types of Rules for Creating Hierarchies

Choosing which Rules Engine to use to carve territories

4 minutes

Treatment of Account Families

Choosing how to assign child accounts/subsidiaries

3 minutes

The 3-Dot Segmentation Menu: Making and Finalizing Changes

Menu options related to making and finalizing changes; Understanding "View Role Details"

5 minutes

Understanding The Unassigned Bucket

Understanding the Unassigned bucket and why accounts end up there

1 minute

Practice Territory Carving Scenarios

Practice creating new territories, using functions such as map-based carving, bucket rules, and Smart Plan.

4 x 4 minute videos

Our aim with these training videos is to give you the tools and confidence to make the most of the Fullcast platform. We're here to support you in managing your territories and streamlining your processes. Let's get started and tailor Fullcast to fit your unique business needs!