Creating a New Entity in Fullcast

This article discusses creating and editing entities, fields, and custom field values in Fullcast.


  • Tenant Admin Permissions are required to complete this process.

  • A full import job needs to be run after adding any field to Fullcast.

  • Adding and deleting new custom fields and some editing features are only possible in Standard Jobs, not Custom Jobs.

  • At least one relation must be with Accounts, People, or Products.

Create a New Entity

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable.

  2. Click the Settings icon (gear) in the navigation bar.

  3. Click the Entities & Fields tab.

  4. Select the applicable option from the “Use Entity to modify the existing fields” menu if applicable.

  5. Click “New Entity”.

  6. Provide a name and select the applicable “connection type”, ”connection name”, and “table name”.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Input CONFIRM (case sensitive) in the field provided and click Confirm.

  9. Click Save.

Create a New Field

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable.

  2. Click the Settings icon (gear) in the navigation bar.

  3. Click Entities & Fields.

  4. Select the appropriate entity from the “Use Entity to modify existing fields” dropdown menu.

  5. Click the Add New Field icon (plus sign) in the table header next to “Address Mapping” and select New Field.


    For standard new fields, the Source Connection tab will automatically populate the “Type”, “Name”, “Table”, and “Data Type” fields based on the entity you selected. New custom fields require you to add this information.

  6. Select the appropriate options from the “Column” and “Known Column Type” menus.


    If you want to add a custom field, the field name has to be entered manually. The custom object column name will end with the object name “__c”. If you are adding a field from another object, the format should be ObjectName.Field API name.

  7. Click the Basic Information tab.


    The “Field” and “Data Type” fields will automatically populate based on the information you completed in Source Connection. Custom fields do not have these options.

  8. Select the appropriate option from the Aggregation dropdown menu.

  9. Input the appropriate information in the “Lable” and “Category” fields.


    Changing the “Lable” fields will impact the field name wherever it is used in Fullcast. Changing the “Category” fields will affect the account details panel in the grid and create a separate category based on the name.

  10. Select the format from the dropdown menu.

  11. Enable each option as appropriate based on the information in the table below:



    Field Update

    Checking this box causes auto-rerun rules to trigger whenever this field is updated.


    Enabled, all fields formatted as currency will display in either USD or the currency selected by the company in Salesforce’s Manage Currencies.


    • The multicurrency feature must be enabled in Salesforce for the standard package to import all field values in the desired currency format.

    • Fields designated as “currency type” are automatically recognized as supporting multiple currencies by the Fullcast standard package.  

    • For fields defined as decimal or double but intended to display as currency, update the Field Update > Basic Information details in the “Entities and Fields” category and apply the currency format.

    • If a field is neither decimal nor double, applying a currency format will not work and may cause the job to fail.  

    Allow Grid Total

    Select this option to know the total value for that field.

    Hierarchy Participation

    Hierarchy create/edit fields are decided using this option.

  12. Click the Data Quality tab.

  13. Complete the form based on the information in the table below:




    Input the threshold amount and enable the “NULL and Empty values are allowed” option if applicable.


    Input the threshold amount and enable the “Values must be unique” option if applicable.


    Input the accuracy percentage and add conditions if applicable.

  14. Click the Conditional Highlight tab.

  15. Select the appropriate option from the “Conditional Operator” dropdown menu and input values for the “Conditional Value” and “Conditional CSS” fields as appropriate.

  16. Click Confirm.

Create a New Custom Field

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable.

  2. Click the Settings icon (gear) in the navigation bar.

  3. Click Entities & Fields.

  4. Click the Add New Field icon (plus sign) in the table header and select New Custom Field.

  5. Update the fields on the Basic Information tab.

  6. Click the Data Quality tab.

  7. Complete based on the information in the table below:




    Input the threshold amount and enable the “NULL and Empty values are allowed” if applicable.


    Input the threshold amount and enable the “Values must be unique” option if applicable.


    Input the accuracy percentage and add conditions if applicable.

  8. Click the Conditional Highlight tab and select the applicable operator from the conditional operator dropdown menu.

  9. Click Confirm.

Address Mapping

  • For map processing, you can either select the billing address or shipping address from the Address Mapping tab. The default is the shipping address. All the fields related to the shipping address (“shipping country”, “shipping state”, “shipping city,” etc.,) will be included in the mandatory fields. Select whichever applies to you, click confirm, and save.

  • Multiple values are not allowed in the conditional value field. Please enter a single value.

  • The format for conditional CSS is "color": "red", "background-color": "blue"

Edit an Entity

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable.

  2. Click the Settings icon (gear) in the navigation bar.

  3. Click the Entities & Fields tab.

  4. Select the applicable entity from the “Use Entity to modify existing fields” menu.

  5. Click the Edit icon (pencil and paper).

  6. Update the conditions as appropriate and click Next.

  7. Input CONFIRM (case sensitive) in the confirmation field and click Confirm.  

Edit a Field

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable.

  2. Click the Settings icon (gear) in the navigation bar.

  3. Click the Entities & Fields tab.

  4. Select the appropriate entity from the “Use Entity to modify existing fields” menu.

  5. Locate the applicable field and click the Edit icon (pencil and paper).

  6. Apply changes as appropriate and click Confirm.