Auto Rerun Rules are available for Accounts, People, and Products for the production plan of that environment.
This feature is not available for nonproduction plans.
Auto Rerun Rules runs every time the import job runs.
Click Edit from the More Options dropdown menu.
If Accounts are being routed using the Fullcast routing policy, the auto-rerun rules can recognize which territory an account was routed to and place the account into the same territory in Fullcast. If "Ignore Route Object for Rerun Rules" is checked, then the Auto Rerun Rules logic will ignore how the Account was routed in Salesforce.
Choose whether an account is rerun through the rules when it is updated with new data and it meets the criteria specified or to rerun the rules on all accounts meeting the specified criteria regardless if data was updated or not. If Apply Criteria on Only Modified Records is chosen, an advanced setting can be used to only rerun the rules on accounts when a specific field is updated. See below for how to enable it.
Record State
If an account meets the auto rerun rules criteria and is moved to a new territory, then the account can be left in a proposed state or a committed state. A proposed state would require manual review and commit before the territory is updated in the CRM. Territories with proposed changes will have a yellow dot next to them. If a committed state is selected, then the change will be automatically committed without any manual review and the updates will be pushed to the CRM.
This drop-down menu is asking you to specify whether to exclude Named Accounts and Named Exceptions from auto rerun rules. Here is an overview of the options:
This is the default. If any accounts are named, whether it be a named exception or a named account, the default behavior is to ignore these accounts in any auto rerun rules scenario. They are effectively pinned in place and are not to move unless done so manually.
Named Accounts
If Exclude Named Accounts is selected, then any account with a Named Exception can be included in the auto rerun rules scenarios. Named Accounts will still be excluded and not touched.
Named Exceptions
If Exclude Named Exceptions is selected, then any account marked as a Named Exception will be excluded from the rerun rules scenario - they will not be touched. The Named Accounts will be included in the rerun rules scenario.
It is recommended that Exclude Both be left as the default setting.
Use AND OR criteria to specify the world of accounts that should be included in the auto rerun rules. The default behavior is any account meeting these criteria will be rerun through the territory rules. The recommended starting point for auto rerun rules is to only rerun rules on accounts in unassigned territories.

An example of Auto Rerun rules on Accounts where only modified accounts in Unassigned nodes will eligible for Auto Rerun rules. Named Accounts and Named Exclusions will not get Rerun Rules. And the outcome of Rerun Rules will be to a proposed state.
Auto Rerun Rules only when specific fields are updated
To enable this advanced setting:
Navigate to the entities and fields settings page.
Select the account table in the dropdown menu.
Decide which fields, when a change in data is detected, will trigger the auto-rerun rules. For example, when the country field is updated, then rerun the rules on the account.
To enable this scenario, navigate to the country field in the account table and select the edit button to the far right of the field name. When selected a dialog box will appear.
Select “Basic Information”. At the bottom of the dialog box, select “Field Update”, confirm, then save. This setting can be used in tandem with the criteria above. This enables scenarios like "only rerun the rules on an account when the country field is changed and it’s in an unassigned territory." Another example might be when the account becomes a customer and is in the SMB segment. When this setting is enabled, then the ability to run the rules on any account meeting the criteria is no longer available. The account will need to meet both the general criteria specified and a change is detected in the specific field where “Allow Update” is toggled on.