Before configuring the contact routing policy in Fullcast, it is important to set up Salesforce correctly to ensure your Fullcast account is synched properly. To do so:
Configure the policy in the Fullcast Environment.
Add a New Contact Routing Policy in Fullcast
Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable.
Click Manage Policies by Territory on the Policies tile.
Click New Policy.
Click Add Policy on the Contact Routing tile.

Figure 1. Contact Routing Tile
Configure the routing stages as described in the following sections.
Configure the Policy Operation Tags and Policy Operation Times. For more information see the corresponding section in this article.
Click Save and Exit.
Stages in Contact Routing:

Figure 2. Stages in Contact Routing
The contact routing process consists of several stages, each of which can be switched on or off based on specific requirements. The general stages of contact routing are:
Duplicate Processing
Role-Based Routing
Round Robin Settings
Default Users and Record Tagging
Notifications via Chatter
Duplicate Processing

Figure 3. Duplicate Processing Settings
This stage allows you to define how duplicates are found and what actions to take.
To configure how the system handles duplicates:
Toggle the Duplicate Processing switch to ON.
Define the timeframe and a percentage that should match when locating duplicates.
Identify what to do if duplicates are found: Do Nothing, Route, Merge.
Identify what to do if a record matching this contact is found: Do Nothing, Route, Convert.
Identify what to do if duplicates from the same domain are found: Do Nothing or Route.
Proceed to the next stage if applicable.
Role-Based Routing

Figure 4. Role-Based Routing Settings
At this stage, you can direct incoming contacts to individuals in various roles within your current account team. For instance, you can assign contacts to the SDR team if the company is a prospect. Conversely, you can route the contacts to the account manager if the account is a customer.
Toggle the Role-based routing switch to ON.
Identify how to route the contact if the contact is matched to an account. If the contact is matched to an account, then you can route the contact to the account owner of the matched account; otherwise, you can route it to another person who fulfills the criteria you set by selecting the based on the criteria option from the dropdown menu.
Proceed to the next stage if applicable.
Round-Robin Settings

Figure 5. Round-Robin Settings
If you wish to allocate incoming contacts to an SDR team, you can activate round-robin distribution to ensure equitable workloads for your salespeople.
Toggle the Round-robin settings switch to ON.
Click the radio button to select either Participants or Territories.
Add any applicable team members.
Identify if there are exceptions to the members added.
Proceed to Step 3.
Identify which territories and their children to automatically add to the list.
Identify any exceptions.
Determine the role to route to.
Proceed to Step 3.
Complete the additional configuration options as appropriate.
Proceed to the next stage if applicable.
Additional configuration in the Round-Robin stage
Additional configuration options in the round-robin stage offer more filter criteria and simplify routing execution.
Bypass the round-robin stage when no matching skills are found by checking the designated box. This allows for direct routing to Default Users and Record Tagging.
If agent support for round-robin routing is required, check the box labeled “Support Agent login for Round-robin routing.”
Limit the number of contacts distributed to reps by setting a maximum limit and specifying the amount.
Default Users and Record Tagging

Figure 6. Default Users and Record Tagging Settings
In this stage, set a default user or queue to send incoming contacts.
Toggle the Default Users and Record Tagging switch to ON.
Select whether to route to a default queue or user from the dropdown menu.
Identify the default user or queue as appropriate.
Click the grey plus button to identify what fields to update on the contact.
Select the Don’t update the Owner Field option if applicable.
Proceed to the next stage if applicable.
Notifications via Chatter

Figure 7. Notifications via Chatter Settings
Notifications via chatter will send messages to users when incoming contacts are routed.
To configure notifications via Chatter
Toggle the Notifications via Chatter switch to ON.
Add additional text to send in the notifications if applicable.
Identify the additional people to send notifications to besides the owner.
Click Save and Exit.
Policy Operation Tags and Policy Operation Times

Figure 8. Policy Operation Tags and Operation Times
The tag field in routing policies directs items to specific queues, such as those based on contact geographical region, or industry. Using tag operators, you can create formula-based routing that efficiently matches as many records as possible for better management.
Policy Operation Times allows you to define the times when the queue will be open or closed. By default, the queue is available at all times.