In Fullcast, data formatting enhances grid readability by customizing how data is displayed without changing the data. Each field’s data type (e.g., numeric, date, string, integer) defines its formatting options. For instance, numeric fields can be formatted as currency, while dates can be short or long.
Impact on Filtering
Effective formatting improves filtering capabilities. Filters operate based on underlying data type, ensuring accurate results even with formatted displays (e.g., filtering numeric data with currency formatting still uses the actual numerical value).
Numeric Data Type
Numeric data types represent numerical values and often require formatting to enhance readability and provide context within your Fullcast grids. When your data type is decimal or integer, your format options become a mixture of smallNumbers and largeNumbers.
A smallNumber is a value considered significantly smaller than a reference point and can be formatted in the following ways:
Format Type | Example |
FixedPoint | 1 |
Decimal | 1.2345 |
Percent | 15% |
Currency | $34 |
A largeNumber represents a value considerably larger than a reference point and can be formatted in the following ways:
Format Type | Example |
Exponential | 1.0E+9 |
Thousands | 1,000,000K |
Millions | 1,000M |
Billions | 1B |
Trillions | 0T |
largeNumber | 1B (uses thousands, millions, billions, or trillions depending on the value). |
Date Data Type
Date data types provide options for displaying dates in various formats. When this data type is selected, the format options within Fullcast are:
Format Type | Example |
shortDate | 7/15/2024 |
shortTime | 8:45 PM |
shortDateAndShortTime | 7.15.2024, 8:45 PM |
Long date is a format that displays values in a more detailed format.
Format Type | Example |
longDate | Thursday, July 1, 2024 |
longTime | 8:45:30 PM |
longDateAndTime | Thursday, July 1, 2024 8:45:30 PM |
String Data Types
String data types, while offering limited formatting options, allow you to format text as clickable URLs. We’ll use a special URL(prefix) format to define hyperlinks with your grid.
Prefix: This is the base URL of the target systems (e.g., your Salesforce instance).
{value}: A placeholder that will be replaced with the actual value from the grid cell.
Implementation with DevExterme Grid
We’ll use the DevExtreme Grid to implement this solution. Here is a step-by-step breakdown:
Define the hyperlink format:
Specify the URL(prefix) format for the desired column in your grid configuration.
To link to a Salesforce record based on its ID, you might use: “Format”: “URL({value}”
Customize the grid’s behavior:
Use the CustomText function to process the format string and field value.
Extract the field value from the grid data.
Replace the {value} placeholder in the prefix with the actual field value.
Convert the resulting URL into a clickable hyperlink.
Flexibility: You can link to various external systems, not just Salesforce.
Improved user experience: Users can directly navigate to related records with a single click.
By following these steps, you can significantly enhance your grid’s functionality. This will save your users time and effort, making their work more efficient. Remember to tailor the specific implementation to your application’s requirements and the capabilities of your chosen grid library.
Configure Hyperlinks
Navigate to Settings > Entities & Fields and choose the data type you want to link, such as “Accounts.”
Edit the specified field you want to use for the hyperlink, often the record’s unique identifier (i.e., “ID”).
In the “Basic Information” tab, locate the “Format Text Box” option.
Enter the following URL format: URL”{value}”
This format creates a hyperlink based on the field value “{value}.”
Save changes.
Using the Hyperlink
In the “Segments” grid, the chosen field (e.g., “ID”) will display as a clickable hyperlink.
Clicking on this hyperlink will automatically open the corresponding record page in your Salesforce organization, assuming you are logged in.
If you are logged out of Salesforce when you click the hyperlink, you will be redirected to the Salesforce login page first. After logging in, you will then be directed to the specific record page.