Configure Account Routing Policies in Fullcast

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Before configuring the account routing policy in Fullcast, it is important to set up Salesforce correctly to ensure your Fullcast account is synched properly. To do so:
Configure the policy in Salesforce.

  1. Configure Flow Builder in Salesforce Environment.

  2. Configure the policy in Fullcast Environment.

To add an Account Routing Policy:

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable. 

  2. Click Manage Policies by Territory on the Policies tile.  

  3. Click New Policy.

  4. Click Add Policy on the Account Routing tile. 

  5. Configure the routing stages as applicable. 

  6. Configure the Policy Operation Tags and Policy Operation Times if applicable.

  7. Click Save and Exit.  

Stages in Account Routing:

The Account Routing process consists of several stages, each of which can be switched on or off based on specific requirements. The general stages of Account Routing are: 

  • Best Matched Account (BMA) or Territory

  • Dealing with Duplicates

  • Role-based Routing

  • Round-Robin

  • Defaults and Record Tagging

  • Notifications and Chatter 

Best Matched Account (BMA) or Territory

Figure 1. BMA or Territory Settings

BMA uses a set of rules to identify the most appropriate account within a given dataset. If no account is found, routing defaults to territory-based routing. Essentially, if an account cannot be matched, the routing will rely on territory as the determining factor.


If you prefer not to route through the best-matched account, even if one is available, select the Ignore Best Matched Account even when available option.

Dealing with Duplicates

Figure 2. Duplicate Settings

This stage allows you to define how duplicates are found and what actions to take.

To configure how the system handles duplicates: 

  1. Click to enable Dealing with Duplicates. 

  2. Define a time frame and percentage that should match when locating duplicates. 

  3. Identify what to do if duplicates are found: do nothing, route, or merge. 

  4. Define what to do if duplicates from the same domain are found: do nothing or route.

  5. Click Save Changes.  


Route routes the record to the same owner of the original account. 

Role-Based Routing

Figure 3. Role-Based Routing Settings

At this stage, you can route incoming leads to individuals in different roles within an existing account team. For instance, you can direct leads to a team if the company is a prospect, but route them to an account manager if the account is already a customer. 


For role-based routing to be configured, you must enable Routing with BMA or Territory. 

To enable role-based routing: 

  1. Enable the route using BMA or territory option. 

  2. Enable the role-based routing option.

  3. Select the applicable role for the What to do if the lead is not matched to an account but matched to a territory option.

  4. Click Save Changes. 


If you'd like to assign incoming cases to a team of sales reps, for instance, you can activate round-robin distribution to ensure equal workloads for your sales staff. This feature can be combined with any of the stages to optimize workload allocation across teams and roles. 

Add Participants to Round-Robin: 

  1. Enable Round Robin. 

  2. Click to enable Participants.


The Participants option is enabled by default. 

  1. Select the appropriate team to add to the participants from the dropdown menu or one at a time by using the plus (+) icon. 

  2. Exclude any individuals if applicable. 

Figure 4. Enabling Round-Robin

Once participants are selected, you can manage and specify certain fields to facilitate routing to specific individuals. If a person is assigned a higher value in the weightage column, they will receive more routed cases. The number of cases routed to an individual is determined by the weightage assigned to them in the weightage filed. If all individuals receive the same value, each person will receive an equal share of the leads. 

Additionally, you can add a skill to filter against. For example, French-speaking sales reps can be assigned to cases based on French-speaking countries by adding “French” as a skill. 

You can manage the vacation details of individuals by selecting the vacation start date and vacation end date from the corresponding columns. 

The status column helps identify whether a particular person is active or inactive in handling a specific case. 

If you want to set a limit on the number of cases routed to any participant, you can use the Limit column to do so. The limit can be set on an hourly, daily, or personal basis. Once the limit is reached for a particular person, the case will be routed to the next eligible person. 

Figure 5. Additional Configuration Options

Additional configuration options in the round-robin stage provide more filtering criteria and facilitate easier routing execution.

You can opt to skip the round-robin stage when no matching skills are found by checking the corresponding box. This allows direct progression to Defaults and record tagging. 

To manage a larger volume of cases, you can set a maximum limit on the number of cases distributed to each representative by checking the box labeled Limit the total number of cases routed to anyone to a maximum of.

Adding territories to your round-robin is similar to adding participants except that you have the ability to route to the person assigned to a specified role in each territory.

Figure 6. Routing to a Specific Territory

Defaults and Record Tagging

Figure 7. Defaults and Record Tagging Settings

Defaults and record tagging instruct the system on the actions to take when no participant is found in any of the preceding stages. For example, in a round-robin scenario where three sales reps each have a maximum of 100 leads if all of them already meet their limit, the system bypasses the round-robin process. In such cases, you can specify who will assume ownership of these leads if no participant is found in the earlier stages. 

In addition to assigning an owner to the record, you can also apply specific values to certain fields on the record. The update the following fields option enables you to specify which fields to modify and assign values to them.

To configure defaults and record tagging: 

  1. Click to enable the Defaults and Record Tagging option. 

  2. Identify how the system routes an account, case, contact, lead, or opportunity by selecting the appropriate option from the dropdown menu and completing the required fields as applicable. 

  3. Update fields by clicking the plus (+) icon. 

  4. Select the appropriate field and corresponding value. 

  5. Click to enable the Don’t update the owner field option if applicable.