Release Notes November 2024

The November release consisted of feature enhancements and continued improvements to the user experience. 

Intended Audience: 

IT, Revenue Operations, Revenue Strategy, Managers


Target Notes

This release introduces the new notes feature for targets. 

This feature lets you add, edit, and delete notes directly to specific targets. 

Adding, Editing, and Deleting a Note

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable. 
  2. Click Manage Targets on the Territories tile, or add a note to a team target by clicking Manage Team Targets on the Teams tile.
  3. Locate the appropriate target and click the More Options icon (three vertical dots). 
  4. Select View Details/Edit.
  5. On the Target landing page, click the notes icon (word bubble) to the right of the line item in question. 

Add a note and click Save Note to have the note appear on the target. 

Edit or delete a note by clicking the note icon. 

Setting Permissions for Notes

To view or create notes a user must have the appropriate permissions. By default, most users will have “read-only” access. To grant elevated permissions, such as the ability to edit or delete notes, an admin must manually assign these permissions to the user. 

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable. 
  2. Click Manage Roles on the Roles tile.
  3. Locate the appropriate role and click the More Options icon (three vertical dots).
  4. Select Edit. 

Note: You can choose from three business actions: Territory, Teams, or Product Group.  

  1. Click to expand the appropriate category. 
  2. Change the permissions for the “Collaborate with notes” option as appropriate. 
  3. Click Save. 

This specific user role can now manage notes as configured. 

Enabling Notifications for Notes

To stay informed about activity on your target notes, you can enable notifications for specific actions: Assignments, Targets, and Notes. 

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable. 
  2. Click your avatar in the top right corner of the navigation bar and select notification preferences from the dropdown menu. 
  3. On the Notifications Preferences modal, click to enable or disable each notification as appropriate. 

Note: Each notification provides you with two channels of communication: Inbox, which is the in-app notification that surfaces in the top right corner of Fullcast; and Email, which sends notifications to a specified user. 

Enabling Email Notifications at the Plan-Level

Fullcast enables users to view notifications from specific actions within the system, such as when you update a target note. Depending on how the notifications are configured, users may receive an event notification via email. 

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and click Manage Plans. 
  2. Locate the appropriate plan and click the More Options icon (three vertical dots). 
  3. Select Edit. 
  4. Scroll down to the Notifications and Alerts section. 
  5. Set a specific role as a node manager to be notified by any activity in this plan by selecting the appropriate role from the dropdown menu. 

Note: Any person inhabiting this role will receive email notifications of activity within this plan.  

  1. Set a specific user as a special user to be notified of any activity in this plan by adding the user.

Note: One of these two fields must be populated for email notifications to work. 

  1. Click Next. 
  2. Type CONFIRM (case sensitive) in the field provided and click Confirm. 

Bug Fixes

Fix for SQL Injection issues. 

Column Chooser no longer freezes when being organized. 

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