Configuring the Create Assignment Sales Manager Workflow in Salesforce

This article provides directions for implementing the New Assignment workflow in Salesforce. This feature allows you to create new assignments for account team members. 

Intended Audience: 

IT Admin, Salesforce Admin

Create a New Assignment Button in the Sales Manager Workflow

  1. Access your Salesforce Lightning instance.
  2. Navigate to Setup > Object Manager > Account Team Member > Buttons and Links and click the New Button or Link button. 
  3. Complete the custom button or link form based on the information in the table below:

Option Action/Description
Label New Assignments
Name New_Assignments
Description Optional
Display Type List Button - Display Checkboxes (for Multi-Record Selection)
Behavior Display existing window with sidebar. 
Content Source URL

  1. Select Account Team Member from the Selected Field Type dropdown menu. 
  2. Enter “/apex/fcio1__NewAssignment?id={!Account.Id}” in the space provided. 
  3. Click Save. 
  4. Navigate to Setup > Object Manager > Account > Page Layouts and click the key icon above Account Team. 
  5. Move the New Assignments button into the selected buttons area and save the page layout. 

This article provides directions for editing the New Assignment button created in Salesforce as part of the Sales Manager Workflow. 

Adding the New Assignment Button to the Page Layout

  1. Access your Salesforce Lightning instance. 
  2. Navigate to Setup > Object Manager > Account Team Member > Page Layouts. 
  3. Drag and drop the Edit Assignment button into the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions.
  4. Click Save. 

Editing a Sales Manager Workflow Assignment in Salesforce

  1. Access your Salesforce Lightning instance. 
  2. Navigate to the applicable account.
  3. Click the dropdown arrow and select Edit Assignment. 
  4. Complete the Edit Assignment form as appropriate and click Save & Exit.
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