Terminate Employee Policy Overview

The purpose of this article is to provide information regarding the Terminate Employee Policy. With Fullcast's terminate employee workflow, you can easily set up actions triggered by terminating an employee. These actions can include assigning a replacement, whether a specific person, someone in a particular job, or using a "TBx" placeholder. This workflow automatically handles all the active assignments for the terminated employee, saving you the hassle of manually ending multiple assignments.


  • This Copilot Policy automates employee termination workflows. 
  • It is triggered by signals from either Salesforce or the HRIS system during data imports. 
  • This process involves identifying termination dates, handling territory assignments, and executing necessary changes for Salesforce integration. 
  • The automation calculates termination parameters from any assignment or employee record.
  • Policy application extends to territory or team hierarchies, with scope defined by the applied hierarchy. 
  • Input validation, user identification, and policy execution occur based on scope and tags. 
  • Policy rules govern actions for termination dates, assignments, and targets, ensuring efficient decision-making.


How it Works

Identifying the Termination Date

Fullcast can determine a user’s termination date in two different ways. If the termination occurs in Salesforce, Fullcast will use the date of that event. However, if the termination comes from an HRIS system, Fullcast can recognize future termination dates and automate actions accordingly. For instance, it can adjust assignment end dates in Fullcast to match the future termination date. 

Checking Territory Assignments 

Fullcast checks all territories where the user might be assigned, along with their roles in each. For every role, the system can define actions for territory assignments, like arranging temporary or permanent replacements. If there are specific instructions for a role, the system follows them precisely. Otherwise, it defaults to the “no replacement” option, resulting in assignment termination. It is adaptable enough to select a person from another role in the same territory or the person’s manager from the team’s module.  

Executing Workflow 

Upon gathering all necessary information, the system proceeds with executing the workflow. This entails implementing any required changes, such as assigning replacement users to territories or roles, in either proposed or committed states. Subsequently, these changes are pushed into Salesforce on the effective termination date. 

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