Configure the Terminate Employee Policy

This article provides information and direction on using Fullcast Co-Pilot for employee terminations. Co-pilot streamlines sales operations by automating tasks and coordinating strategies. One key feature is its ability to streamline the workflow for handling employee terminations. This automation allows the workflow to trigger automatically through the Terminate Employee Policy. When Fullcast receives termination notices from systems like Salesforce or a Human Resources Information System (HRIS), it automatically collects details such as termination dates and assignments. It then implements changes across territories or team structures accordingly. 

Note: If an individual holds assignments at two different levels of the hierarchy, each with a different role, and they wish to terminate one of those assignments, they will need to manually specify the end date for the assignment you want to conclude.

Configure Terminate Employee Policy

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable. 
  2. Click Manage Policies by Territory on the Policies tile. 
  3. Click New Policy in the top right corner.
  4. Click Add Policy on the Terminate Employee tile. 
  5. Add an effective termination date.
  6. Configure the terminate employee settings as outlined in the following sections.
  7. Click Save and Exit.

Terminate Employee Policy Stages

The terminate-employee policy consists of several stages:

  • Termination Effective Dating
  • Coverage Actions
  • Target Actions

Termination Effective Dating

Determine the timeframe (in days or months) for searching for terminated employees.  


Define the action to be taken for each active assignment of a terminated user. 

Target Actions

Specify the action to take for each target assigned to the terminated user. 

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