Account Hierarchy UAT
Test Data
The test data consists of six accounts:
Account A - Ultimate Parent - website =
Account B - Domestic Ultimate Parent
Account C - Enriched Child Account
Account D - Child Account without Enrichment and with website ""
Account E - Parent of Account F with a website of ""
Account F - Child of Account E
Acceptance Scenarios
Friendly Scenario Description |
Scenario |
Action |
Expected Result |
Adding Accounts | GIVEN A Parent Account is already in the CRM WHEN An enriched child of that Parent is added, THEN the child should be linked to the parent. |
Account C should be attached to Account A based on the hierarchy matching rules described above in the configuration section. |
Adding Accounts | GIVEN The ultimate parent account and a child account are already in the CRM, WHEN an enriched Domestic Ultimate parent is added, THEN the hierarchy should be re-organized to insert the newly added domestic ultimate parent into the middle of the hierarchy |
Account B should be made a child of Account A Account C should be made a child of Account B |
Adding Accounts | GIVEN The Parent account is already in the CRM WHEN an un-enriched account is added, THEN the newly added child account should be linked to the parent |
Account D should be attached to Account A as a child |
Adding Accounts | GIVEN the child account is already in the CRM WHEN an enriched parent is added THEN the newly added child account should be linked to the parent. |
Account F should be made a child of Account E |
Viewing Hierarchy | GIVEN the parent-child relationships are established WHEN the user clicks on the "view hierarchy" button THEN the entire hierarchy should be visible in the UI |
You should see the entire A-D accounts in the hierarchy viewer. |
Editing Accounts | GIVEN both the parent and child accounts are in the CRM WHEN a key field used in the calculation of the hierarchy is edited, THEN the hierarchy relationships should be reevaluated and the appropriate hierarchy should be rebuilt |
Account F should be removed as a child from Account E and should not be attached to Account A. |
Editing Accounts | GIVEN both the parent and the child accounts are in the CRM, WHEN a user tries to manually change the account parent, THEN the system should recalculate and reset to the right parent. |
The system should reset the parent when you save the record and put the parent back to Account A. |
Custom Hierarchies | GIVEN when a parent-child hierarchy is in the system WHEN you want to break that hierarchy and allow a section of the tree to be a standalone company THEN the system should not attach the broken section of the tree to the main hierarchy |
The system should have recalculated and Account B should no longer be attached to Account A and should now be a standalone parent with all its child Account E. Account A should still have its other children that are not impacted by the change to the custom hierarchy. |
Custom Hierarchy | GIVEN when an account hierarchy is in the system WHEN you want to divest a branch of one tree and attach it to another family tree THEN the system should enable this custom hierarchy to override the standard rules |
The system should now link Account B as a child of Account E. Account C should be a child of Account B. The Account B branch of the family tree should now be attached to Account E's tree. |
Custom Hierarchies | GIVEN that you have a custom hierarchy in the system WHEN you want to remove the custom hierarchy THEN the system should use the rules defined to rebuild the hierarchy |
The system should have recalculated based on the enriched data and Account B should now be linked to Account A and not Account E Account C should still be a child of Account B. |
Private Equity | GIVEN when an account is a private equity company, WHEN you tag the account as such since they don't make purchasing decisions THEN you don't want the system to rollup children under that parent |
The account should have recalculated and Account B should no longer have any children associated with it as per the policy - i.e. - Account C should not a child of Account B. It should still, however, be a child of Account A. |
Deleting Accounts | GIVEN when the accounts are linked in a parent-child hierarchy WHEN you delete an account in the hierarchy, THEN the hierarchy should be recalculated and the remaining hierarchy should be reattached as appropriate |
Account C should not be linked to Account A as a child based on the hierarchy rules. |