Importing Roll-up summary field

Step1: Create roll-up field in Salesforce

Step 2: Create a custom field in Fullcast for the roll-up field created in Salesforce.

Step 3: Run the import job

How to create rollup field in Salesforce?

If the user needs sum total of Amount field of the Opportunities in an account, then it is essential to create a Roll-up summary field in Salesforce. The functions of roll-up summary field are:

  • Count: Gives a count of all the related fields
  • Sum: Gives the sum total of all the related fields.
  • Min: Gives the min value in the field
  • Max: Gives the maximum value of the field.

Below are the steps to create a roll-up summary field (SUM) for Amount field of Opportunities in the standard object Account in Salesforce.

  1. Login to Salesforce.
  2. Select Setup.
  3. Find Object manager from the quick find box.
  4. In the list that comes up, select the object Account for which the roll-up summary field has to be created.
  5. Select Fields and Relationships from the Details tab.
  6. Click on New and select Roll-up summary field from the field type list and click Next.
  7. Now start defining the summary calculation. Select preferred summarized object from the drop-down list. In this example, Master Object - Account. Summarized object - Opportunities.
  8. Based on the functionality given above, select your preferred roll-up type.
  9. Select the preferred choice for the field to aggregate. In this example, we are going to calculate the total sum of Amount of opportunities in the account. So select the field to Aggregate as Amount.
  10. User has an option to consider all the records for aggregation or consider only the preferred records by providing appropriate filter condition.
  11. In the Establish field level security page, select the profiles to which you want to grant edit access to this field via field-level security. The field will be hidden from all profiles if you do not add it to field-level security.
  12. In the Add to page-layout section, check whether the page layouts that should include this field is displayed. The field will be added as the last field in the first 2-column section of these page layouts.  After completion, click Save.
Creating Roll-up Summary field in Salesforce

Creating custom field in Fullcast

After the Roll-up summary field has been created in Salesforce, the next step is to create a custom field in Fullcast to import respective details.

Refer below article for detailed step-by-step process to create a custom field in Fullcast.

Creating and editing field/custom field values in the Entity

Note : While creating custom field in Fullcast make sure that the currency flag is checked in the Basic information section of Field Update page, if you want to see the sum value in USD. If the flag is not checked, currency conversion will not happen and only the original currency value will be displayed.

Import job

After the custom field is created in fullcast, when the scheduled import job runs, we can see the Roll-up summary field and its field values imported from Salesforce to Fullcast. To know how to import job, please follow the below link

Import Jobs

Scenario 1 : When currency flag is checked

After the completion of import job, the multiple currencies get converted to USD and you can see the field values in Fullcast as follows

Scenario 2: When currency flag is not checked

After the completion of import job, the multiple currencies does not get converted to USD and you can see the original field values in Salesforce and Fullcast as follows

Salesforce roll-up summary field value in Canadian USD
Roll-up summary field in fullcast in Canadian USD

Scenario 3: When all records are considered for calculation

After the completion of import job, the multiple currencies got converted to USD and you can see the original field values in Salesforce and Fullcast as follows

Scenario 4: Only records meeting certain criteria included in the calculation

Records having only Lead source as Web is coonsidered.

After completion of import job, the multiple currencies gets converted to USD and you can see the original field values in Fullcast as follows

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