SmartPlan - Balance by Number of Accounts

This article provides information and direction on creating a SmartPlan balanced by the number of accounts. Balance by number of accounts is chosen when territories need to be evenly distributed based on the available records. You can also balance accounts according to criteria of your choosing. 

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable. 
  2. Click Manage Accounts on the Territories tile. 
  3. Navigate to the relevant segment in the navigation panel. 
  4. Click the More Options icon (three vertical dots) and select Add Hierarchy. 
  5. Click Smart Plans. 
  6. In the Prioritized Balancing Criteria section click the Add Criteria button and select Balance by number of accounts. 
  7. Select Create Criteria which opens up the Filter Builder window to choose your criteria. This step is optional when the criteria are for balancing purposes. 
  8. Once the criteria are set, click OK. 
  9. Decide what to do with all unassigned accounts: Leave them in the unassigned segment, or distribute them among the territories. 
  10. Complete configuring the SmartPlan as appropriate. 
  11. Click Save and Exit. 

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