How to distribute targets across the whole hierarchy

This article provides direction on distributing targets across the hierarchy within Fullcast. 

There are three distribution options: 

  • No Inheritance: Targets are not passed down from parents to children.
  • Equal Distribution: Each child receives the same target value.

Note: This method does not consider the overall total.

  • Ratio-Based Distribution: Targets are allocated based on a specific metric or field.

Example: Expense targets can be distributed based on the percentage of revenue each child contributes.

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable. 
  2. Click Manage Targets on the Territories tile. 
  3. Click the Actions button and select “Distribution” from the dropdown menu. 
  4. Select the appropriate distribution method (e.g. “Do Not Distribute,” “Equally,” or “Ratio Based on a Field”) from the Distribution Method dropdown menu. 
  5. Select the appropriate nodes to exclude from the distribution from the Exclusion List dropdown menu.  
  6. Click the “Apply changes effective from” box to enable it and select the appropriate start date. 
  7. Click the Redistribute button to apply the changes. 

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