View Account Families in the Grid

Viewing Ultimate Parents and Parents only

In the Details Grid, there are a few options that make viewing account families easier. 

All accounts are shown by default, including parents and children, each with their own record.

  1. If you select the Show Parents Only icon in the Grid Action Bar, you will only see the parent accounts in the grid. By selecting the same icon again, you can go back to the default view of the details grid. 
  2. If you select the Show Ultimate Parents Only icon in the Grid Action Bar, you will only see Ultimate Parent accounts in the grid.  By selecting the same icon again, you can go back to the default view of the details grid. 

Showing Account Families

The Show Account Family icon is available on the Grid Action Bar when a record is selected.  This will display all records associated with the account family, regardless of which territories the accounts are assigned to. 

In the example below, selecting Berkshire Hathaway from the grid and selecting the Show Account Family icon shows all the records that belong to the Berkshire Hathaway account family. 

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