Create Productivity and Ramp Profiles

This article provides direction for adding ramp and productivity profiles to a new or existing role.

Ramp profiles describe the time it would take for a person in a specific role to become fully productive. Productivity profiles describe the allocation of productivity across the year, which often fluctuates due to the seasonality of the business, length of sales cycles, or other factors. . A default productivity profile indicates the expected productivity of a person in a specific role.

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  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable. 
  2. Click Manage Roles on the Roles tile. 
  3. Click Add Role to create a new role, or click the More Options icon (three vertical dots) and select Edit for the appropriate role.
Figure 1 Add New Productivity Profile Option
  1. Click Add New Productivity Profile.
  2. Select the Type of productivity profile you'd like to build.
  3. Enter a Name for the profile.
  4. Select the applicable start date field.
Figure 2 Productivity Profile Edit and Delete buttons
  1. If you'd like the productivity profile to be ramp-based, you can configure this by selecting the pencil icon under Action. See Figure 2. 
Figure 3 Ramp Settings
  1. Figure 3 displays a pop-up where you define the expected percent productivity by month. Click the +New Month button to add months to the ramp. Fill out the percent productivity you'd expect for each month. Click Confirm when finished.
  2. Click Save to add the productivity profile to the role.
Figure 4 Creating a Productivity Profile
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